
profile picture
Mia Naeini
Associate Professor
Electrical Engineering Department
University of South Florida
Tampa, FL, USA
Phone: 813 974-1597
Fax: 813 974-5250

Dr. Naeini is an Associate Professor in the Electrical Engineering Department at the University of South Florida. She received her Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from University of New Mexico with a PhD minor in Mathematics in 2014 and her M.Sc. and B.S.c. in Computer Engineering from Amirkabir University of Technology in 2009 and Sharif University of Technology in 2007, respectively. She is the recipient of NSF CAREER Award 2023.

Research interests

  • Network Science, Graph Signal Processing, Stochastic Processes, Data Analytics, Machine Learning and System Modeling with applications in Cyber-Physical-Human Systems with emphasis on Critical infrastructures and particularly Smart Grids and their Reliability, Security and Performance Evaluation and Energy Data Analytics, as well as Modeling and Evaluation of Communication Networks.

Open PhD Positions:

Thank you for your interest in our group! We are always looking for talented and dedicated Ph.D. students for our group. We have one new PhD opening for Fall 2025 in the area of Energy Data Analytics. If you are interested please send your CV to Preferred qualifications: (a) a Masters degree (in exceptional cases a Bachelor degree can be accepted) in the areas related to signal processing, machine learning, or smart grids, (b) strong mathematical skills, (c) signal processing skills, (d) strong oral and written communication skills, (e) good programming skills and familiarity with Python and MATLAB, and (f) interested to pursue independent as well as collaborative research.

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